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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I change the calendar appearance to light or dark theme?
In Android, you can manually set the app to use one of the following themes in the Settings Screen:
- Light
- Dark
- System Default

Currently, iOS devices do not support this feature and the app dark/light theme setting is based on the iOS system setting. The calendar will always be displayed as light theme regardless of the app theme.
Where can I get the calendar week number information?
The calendar week number information is only available for the 'Top to Bottom' calendar orientation layout.
You may configure this at:
'Settings' -> 'Calendar Settings' -> 'Calendar Orientation'
Is there an option to hide or remove the festival images from the calendar?
You may configure this at:
'Settings' -> 'Calendar Settings' -> toggle 'Show Festival Image' to off state.
In-app Purchase
Is the payment to remove ads a one-time payment or a recurring payment?
The 'Remove Ads' in-app purchase is a one-time purchase.
How do I restore my in-app purchase?
Your purchase will restore automatically upon launching the app. If your purchase is not automatically restored, you can restore it by navigating to 'Settings' and tap on 'Restore Purchase'.
I am replacing my device with a newer one. What should I do to migrate my data to my new device?
There are 3 types of data you can migrate: Notes, Birthdays & Third-party Calendar Data

To migrate notes and birthday data:

• Calendar2U apps with User Account feature¹:
1. Sign up and login your account.
2. Ensure the notes and birthdays are synced by checking the last sync date in the Notes or Birthday Page.

• Other Calendar2U apps:
1. Old device: Backup the data for Notes & Birthdays in the Settings Page.
2. New device: Restore the data for Notes & Birthdays in the Settings Page.
1. Old device: Navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Data Backup & Restore' to backup the data for Notes & Birthdays
2. New device: Navigate to 'Settings' -> 'Data Backup & Restore' to restore the data for Notes & Birthdays

You don't have to do anything to migrate third-party calendar data. You only need to sync the 3rd-party calendar account (Google Calendar, Apple iCloud Calendar, Huawei Calendar) on the new device.
Why are the birthdays from my third-party calendar not shown in the Birthdays Page?
The app does not support birthday data import from third-party calendar at the moment.
How do I set a custom reminder time?
The app does not support custom reminder time at the moment.
How do I add a calendar widget?
The app does not support widgets at the moment.
The fonts on the calendar are too small for me. How do I increase the font size?
The app does not support customisable calendar font size at the moment. However, you can zoom in on the calendar in the Calendar Page. Optionally, you can tap on the calendar cell to view more information.
User Account1
What are the benefits of creating a Calendar2U user account?
With user account, you can:
● Store your calendar notes to server.
● Restore your in-app purchases.
● Sync your app settings."
Do I have to pay to sign up for a Calendar2U user account?
Calendar2U user account is free for all app users.
How do I delete my existing user account?
You can do so by navigating to 'Account Overview' via the 'View Account' button in the drawer. Then, select 'More' option and select 'Request Account Deletion' to initialise account deletion process.
Unable to find your answers? Send your queries to [email protected]
  1. Only available in some countries and regions.

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